Jump to Cut 5, actualizado para Blender 2.62

(una nueva entrega de mi revancha personal contra FCP)

Acabo de actualizar a la quinta versión mi script JumptoCut

Este script sirve para facilitar el manejo del VSE de Blender. El VSE es el Video Sequence Editor, o lo que es lo mismo, el editor de video que lleva incorporada la suite 3d.

La nueva version funciona con Blender 2.62 r44539

He arreglado un monton de pequeños errores. Ya no saldrán mas feos mensajes de error mientras se usa. (espero )

He eliminado finalmente algunas opciones:

Ya no hay botones para saltar de key en key, se puede usar para ello el cursor arriba-cursor abajo que blender tiene configurado por defecto.

Tampoco esta el extract audio. No funcionaba bien y lo intentare rehacer en un script por separado.

Y por fin al saltar con cut next, detecta cuando llega al ultimo frame del timeline y se mantiene mostrando ese frame, y no en el frame vacio final, como hacia hasta ahora.

Cut previous / Cut next

The timeline cursor jumps from edit point to edit point. Edit point is any point of entry or departure of a clip, or the cutting start and end. If you could be assigned as shortcut keys “cursor up” and “cursor down” these functions, you would have a similar behavior to the final cut, but those two keys are predefined by blender to jump to keyframes forward and backward … It really works well for me assigning keys Q and W.

The Cut next operator detects the tail of the timeline and remains showing the last frame, not the black of the next. Be aware of this when you set up the end frame.

Marker Previous / next :

As you can guess, jump from marker to marker.

Source In and Source Out:

Create a marker IN and a marker OUT where the timeline cursor are. Two specific markers that can then be used for editing.

Mark in & out to active strip:

Create a marker IN at the selected strip start frame and a marker OUT at the selected strip end frame.

Trim to in & out:

Trim (soft cut) the selected clip on both sides to adhere to the In and Out markers, as long as the clip is within that range. If not, or in absence of In and Out, does nothing. I.E. It is a quick option to cut many clips at the same duration.

Set Start & End:

Set scene start and end frames with the same values of IN and OUT markers.

Trim & Meta-Copy:

This operator makes a metastrip with all selected items, and trim them to in and out, There is not an insert edit, but also streamlines the tasks a bit …

If there is no IN and OUT markers, the meta is not trimmed.


Paste the clipboard content aligned at the timeline cursor.






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